Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spider Muslim

Left: Mohamed prays on a mosque ceiling

In an astonishing display of super-human ability, Mohamed Al-Jezira prays on the ceiling of his local mosque. "I see this as a gift from God," Said Mohamed. "About a month ago, I wanted to give my wife a break, so decided to iron the clothes and vacuum the house. I reached into the linen closet and felt a sting on my hand. I then saw a red back spider and crushed it with my sandal. It wasn't until my wife asked me why I was watching television from the ceiling that I realised I had a special gift."

Some scientists believe that Mohamed is using mirrors to give the allusion he can climb ceilings. Brendan Belfast claims, "It's quite easy to fool people into thinking that you have spider-like abilities with a few mirrors, tape and instructions from Google. We have all seen David Copperfield make the Empire State Building disappear."

But Mohamed is unfazed and continues to use his powers for good. He hopes that young children will see him praying on a rooftop, ceiling or chimney stack and be inspired to follow his example.

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