Saturday, May 22, 2010

Man Mourns Death of Pet Rock

Left: Ahmed embraces his beloved rock

In Iran death is common, but for 73-year old Abi Ahmed, the passing of his pet rock, Ihmahn, is almost unberable. "I have had this rock since I was a child. It was a mere pebble when I found it and I nursed it back to health. I would read passages of the Koran to it every night and I believe this is what gave it strength."

For a man who has seen his entire family killed in the Iraq-Iran War, Ihmahn was his only friend and family. "Ihmahn was like a brother to me. I used to carry him everywhere in my top pocket when he was young. We faught wars together and spent the best times of our lives together. Ihmahn used to love hide and seek and I would spend weeks looking for him. You just can't replace that," Said Ahmed.

Ahmed realised something was wrong when he tried to take Ihmahn for a walk. "He just lay there, lifless. I called, but nothing happened. The entire village came to Ihmahn and there were hours of wailing and screaming."

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