Thursday, June 17, 2010

Creationists Claim Evidence for Young Earth

"See, right here, it says, 'Made 1947'."

Left: Rudolph examines evidence of a young Earth.

Creationists have stumbled upon evidence which may back their assertion that the Earth is much younger than the claimed 4.7 billion years by scientists. “If you look at the bottom here, it says made in 1947", says Rudolph Edge, a priest from the Berkley Creationist Church. He discovered the plastic Earth globe in his chapel storage. "This proves the Earth is much younger than Darwinists claim. Also, the Earth was made in China, which sounds strange, but it is possible that God created China first, also indicating that China is older than the rest of the planet,” claimed Rudolph Edge "Also, this type of plastic was used from about the 1930's, so, it is not possible that the Earth pre-dates this."


  1. This is an important break though. ..i.e. moving from the previous held doctrine of a flat earth, as indicated by most maps, to the orb/globe theory.

  2. Strangely, this evidence does not explain the giant turtle carrying the Earth.
