Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The God Code

California - Nile Prichard, MIT Professor, was admitted to hospital last night after running a program he wrote that took 30-years to complete.

It all began in 1982 when Nile began suffering from severe depression. "He began writing a program that he believed would tell him whether God really did exist; it was called The God Code. It was a complex program that took over 30-years to complete," says Beverly Prichard, mother of Nile. "He wanted to end his life, but was frightened. He figured he'd write this program and see what waited for him on the other side."

Friends say that after completing the program he input the entire Bible. The answer he got was Does Not Compute. In desperation Nile then typed into the computer the entire Koran. The answer was LOL!

The next day Beverly found Nile in a foetal position at the bottom of the pool. She rescued him just in time.

Nile begins writing his program "The God Code" in 1982.

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